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Mental health - written by Zoe Cawley

Writer's picture: Chris WelfordChris Welford

Zoe Cawley
Zoe Cawley

My name is Zoe. I am 21 years old, and I have suffered with my mental health since I was 11; I have seen many suffer with their mental health, too, and it’s devastating to see that ten years later, there still is so little help for those who suffer. Writing has been a big part of my life and has helped me express things I never thought possible. When I started to share these with people through social media, it was then clear to see that I wasn’t the only one feeling the way that I did, which is sad that so many suffer the way that I have and do, but also I guess it’s comforting knowing you’re not alone, you’re not crazy. I think it’s always good to have someone you can relate to, which is why I continue to share my poetry and writing and why I continue to raise awareness on mental health constantly, mainly through my TikTok account. Helping people helps me. I think it’s my purpose.

Biggest challenges for young people: Mental health Support

I think one of the biggest challenges for young people is reaching out and seeking that support, firstly because many young people believe that the point of reaching out for help is just to be denied support or turned away and secondly, reaching out for support can be very daunting and scary for people is, many may fear they won’t be believed, or people will think they are just attention seeking, or they may be fearful that if they open up about their struggles, then people may view them differently, see them as weak, or may not understand the struggles that they face, they may also feel like it’s not bad enough to reach out for help, but in all honesty, there is no such thing as sick enough no matter what services may say. 

I do not believe that the government does enough to support people with their mental health; I think the Mental Health Act needs reforming. We need to be treated with respect and dignity, especially when patients who have to be detained for their mental health are already so vulnerable that many get mistreated and neglected, which only further negatively impacts their mental health. We need more community support, and hospitals should be a last resort. I believe if there were more funding in place and more places to offer community support, this would not only hopefully help many young people to avoid hospital Admissions, which could then further negatively impact their mental health, but also help waiting lists and take a strain off the NHS and the crisis we are currently finding the UK to be in right now.

I also believe their attitude to mental health needs to change. We are not lazy or weak; we are suffering. Many are crying out for help, but we are constantly being ignored. Sadly, they have the power to make such a difference and save lives, but I do not believe they are doing so to their best ability. So, to put it short, yes, I think they could be doing so much more. We need actions; we don’t need words or false promises. 

If I were prime minister for a week, I would  

  1. Instead of spending money on anti-homeless measures, I would see how we can provide for those who are facing homelessness and give them more of a chance of having safe accommodation. 

  2. Reform and update the Mental Health Act. I’ve seen way too many people (myself included) being neglected and wrongly treated, and in this day and age, it should not still be happening. 

  3. To fund and provide more community support for people of all ages, genders, and Ethnicities, this doesn't need to be mental health services. It could be groups within the community, well-being activities, mental health being taught in school, how to handle anxiety and stress, what to do if you’re struggling, and ways a person can help themselves. 

My message to someone who is struggling with their mental health is no matter what your feelings, your suffering is valid; there is no such thing as being sick enough, despite what society and professionals may say, that despite feeling lonely, you are not alone, and not every thought you have is a fact, darker days do pass and yes they can and do come back again. Still, we learn as we grow and find ways to help us, even if it’s just a little bit. When every part of you wants to let go, hold on because you never know what is around the corner. 

For more inspiring and supportive stories regarding mental health, please follow Zoe on all.

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